
In the much anticipated European Regional Final of Flor de Caña’s Sustainable Cocktail Challenge, Dimitris Kaitalidis from Nectar Distillery Bar in Greece was crowned as Europe’s Most Sustainable Bartender after competing with 9 top bartenders to create the region’s most spectacular sustainable cocktail.

The competition took place on October 12th at the prestigious Amano Grand Central Hotel in Berlin during Bar Convent Berlin (BCB). The judging panel was composed of some of the most influential industry personalities such as Danil Nevsky, CEO of Indie Bartender; Remy Savage, Bar Owner of Bar with Shapes for a Name in London; Antonio Oliveira, Flor de Caña Marketing Manager in France; and Louisa Dodd, Senior Project Manager of the Sustainable Restaurant Association.

The cocktails were evaluated based on elements such as: history and inspiration behind the cocktail, the use of sustainable ingredients/techniques and the level of creativity, in addition to its flavor and appearance.

Kaitalidis took the top spot with his cocktail “Tip to Root”, a cold-infused drink made with citrus waste cordial, soda made from locally grown tamarillos and reused hops from a brewery and a Flor de Caña 12 Year Rum milk-wash made from cappuccino production leftovers, without using any energy in the process. In addition to receiving the title of “Flor de Caña Europe’s Most Sustainable Bartender”, Kaitalidis received a competition trophy made from sustainable materials and a personalized bottle of Flor de Caña 25 Year Rum.

Most importantly, Kaitalidis will have the unique experience of representing the region in the Global Final in exotic tropical Nicaragua in February 2023, with all expenses covered, to compete for the title of “Flor de Caña World’s Most Sustainable Bartender” and a US$10,000 prize.

“Flor de Caña’s Sustainable Cocktail Challenge is a wonderful event that brings together the bartending community with the common goal of building a greener future,” said Kaitalidis, after being crowned European Champion.

Sean Cavanagh from the U.K. took the competition’s second spot and Andrew Watson from Sweden the third spot, receiving trophies and personalized Flor de Caña bottles.

Over 30 countries participated in the Sustainable Cocktail Challenge, which is a celebration of Flor de Caña’s historic commitment to sustainability and its way of sharing and promoting these values with the global bartending community. In addition to being Carbon Neutral and Fair Trade certified, its rum is distilled using 100% renewable energy, all CO2 emissions during fermentation are captured and recycled and the brand plants 50,000 trees annually since 2005.